Happy Birthday to my baby boy, Julian! He isn't so much my baby anymore, he is quite big! I cannot believe he is 4 years old sometimes! It blows my mind how fast time has gone.
For his last day of school, we took some cupcakes and celebrated with his class. They were very glad to have homemade cupcakes!!! Then the next day for his actual birthday, we just kind of chilled at home. We had a really nice mellow time with him. We took him to our traditional birthday spot for dinner, McDonalds, and then went home and watched a movie. It was nice and he had a great time. Isn't he soooo cute!!!??? ;0)

Getting birthday kisses from all his classmates, one by one :0) it was sweet. They sang "Happy Birthday" in 3 different languages; Arabic, Spanish and English. They were dying to eat!

Look out, he means business with his goggles and new water guns. This is my attempt at a football cake, only the white part was melting quickly and spreading out. Ugh...

McDonalds, Baby! Such a treat for them!