Well, It's June 1st. I can hardly believe how fast time is going by. We have 23 more days left of school and then are off for summer break. I am sooooo ready for the break. This month is going to be nice because the boys will be going from 8-1 instead of 8-12, home, then back from 2:30-4:15. Needless to say, I spent a lot of time in the car when the siesta is in effect! But this month I will be able to breath a little. The boys are doing so incredibly well in school. It is quite impressive at times. Both Evan and DJ are one of the best students in their classes with mathematics and they are speaking and learning so much Spanish. DJ is also learning and reading a little bit of Arabic too. They are able to hold their own with their friends and are gaining more understanding everyday. It shocks me at times when I hear them playing with their friends and how much they know. Julian is a little ball of fire. He has grown so much this year, going from a clingy 3 year old who wouldn't leave my side, to being excited to go and be with his friends. His teacher has been great this year and he is understanding A LOT of Spanish. It is really awesome to see the boys thriving. We were really worried at the beginning of the year, because it was so difficult, but we have pushed through and so glad we did. It is paying off for them and they are adjusting so much better to life here.
So, we may be having to move again. We aren't certain, but it is looking that way. Dom's office moved to Tanger and they are wanting him out there. It is about an hour and a half drive and he does it now at least 3 days a week. We have tried to get the kids into the Spanish school there, but it is a lot more competitive. We had to be interviewed, the boys had tests that lasted an hour and a half and we had to turn in a bunch of paperwork. We should find out this week if they are accepted in or not. Once we know, we will begin the house hunting. If they don't get accepted, it is likely we will stay where we are at and keep them in the school they currently go to. It's a lot of unknowns, but that seems to be how life is since moving here! There are pros and cons to both options so we are just praying that God would open the right thing and know what is best for the boys so we can make the right decisions we need to make.
My highlight, since we are unable to come home this summer for a visit (sigh) is that a friend of ours is coming and bringing her son with her (YAY). Her son and the boys are really good friends so it is going to be a blessing for them to have a familiar friend and such a blessing for me to have a girlfriend to hangout with! It will be a breath of fresh air for us and we are so excited about it. She is coming in August and we can hardly wait!!!
Business, well is business. It has it's highs and lows for Dom, but since he has taken all the management responsibilities there is a lot more on his shoulders. The company is still fragile and the economy and everything is still effecting things, but all in all, it is good and Dom is learning a ton.
Me, well I am doing well. I go in and out of lonely spells, wishing I had something and someone familiar nearby but I am so thankful for the internet and Skype. It is such a blessing having those things and makes me feel somewhat connected to family and friends. My latest focus is my health. I am trying really hard to lose the weight I have put on over all these years. Since January, I have lost about 15 pounds and have another 30-40 to go. It is a slow process and gets discouraging at times, but I am super motivated and trying really hard to do it. I have been working out again and it feels so good. Once we know were we are going to live, either here or there, I will then start taking language lessons and focus more on learning the language. But for now, I am thankful for the time I get to workout a bit and focus on my health. I feel so much better!
Well, that's it for now. I will let you all know when and if we get accepted into the other school and what our plans are next!