Evan being silly!

DJ and Evan

Mr. Jules...He LOVES the water!
My boys are truly wonderful boys! I am so blessed to have been given them and to watch them learn and grow. We started out two years ago homeschooling the boys in preparation for our move to Morocco. I was pretty certain when we came here that I would be homeschooling them. I brought all the materials with me that I would need. (It took up most of the weight in our luggage, man the things I could have brought had I known ;) ) But, after getting here and seeing things a bit more clearly and God totally opening up my heart to a different option for them we pursed putting them into the Spanish school in our city.
What a journey it has been since those first days of registration, nerves of mine on edge because it was hard enough for me to understand and communicate and we were about to drop our 3 young boys into an environment that we really didn't know too much about and that they couldn't communicate in at all. Everyone told us that they would get it and learn because they are young and their minds are small. I was still nervous. We went through a few months of a lot of tears, not just theirs :0) , and decided we would stick it out until the end of the year, that we would push through and do whatever it took to help them become successful. That meant at first spending about 3 hours a night with DJ doing homework and talking to the boys when we could with the Spanish we knew. We had to teach the boys what to say when someone would bother them, was fighting with them, or teasing them. We had meeting after meeting with their teachers and now, THEY FINISHED!!!
We now officially ended the school year. They did it! We did it! I am so very proud of my three boys. They are such troopers. They are so brave. They have courage that inspires me. They are my little warriors. I am thankful that God put such amazing little hearts in my hands. They have taught me a lot! Despite all the challenges, frustrations, anxiety and learning curve, they did it!!!
DJ has grown so much this year. He by far had the most challenges to overcome. He was going into the second grade. Most kids his age are all in third grade, but I pushed hard to let him go into second grade because of his birthday and how it falls in the States, he would be in second. By the States standards, I thought he was doing great and right on track for entering the second grade in a Spanish school. After day two, I realized just how far behind we were compared to what I thought. I am proud to say that after literally hours of studying, working hard, having to redo papers, my son has successfully finished the second grade and had a GREAT report card! I am SO proud of him! He learned to write in small cursive handwriting, knows all of his multiplication tables, can read, write and talk in Spanish. He knows all the right accent marks and how to pronounce things correctly. He is helping me even! He has worked his little booty off this year and he has done amazing. He made a ton of friends and even got to play basketball. I think that was the highlight of the year for him. Also, on top of learning all of that, he has managed to learn some Arabic and really enjoys it. He can write it, and also has begun reading it! Amazing!!!
Evan had been so brave this year. His personality is so different than DJ's and he struggled a lot in the beginning. The way he dealt with his frustration of no understanding the language or what was going on was to act up. We had a lot of working with him to do. Kids are not always nice, teachers here act way different than they would in the States, and we just had to push through and teach him what to say and what to do when he got in those situations when he wanted to act up. He improved a lot over the course of the year. He has done amazingly well. He went from not knowing anything to understanding and knowing a lot. His teacher is amazed at how well he does in mathematics! She actually sent him out of class a couple of times to do math with the first grade class. He is bright in that area and really likes it. He is shy about speaking Spanish around people who can speak English, but when we listen from a distance while he is talking to his teachers or friends, he just goes and goes! It is quite impressive what he has learned. Today we got his report card and he improved A TON from the first trimester, which consisted of mostly C's. This time, he got mostly all A's and worked really hard for being only 5 years old when he started! He will soon be reading too! I am so proud of his brave little heart. He really had a rough few months and we were ready to pull him out, but he pulled through and really enjoyed going towards the end. His teacher told us he is a very intelligent little boy. We knew that, but it was good to hear!!! He will be moving to first grade next year! He has grown so much this year!
Julian. Wow. He had done so great this year. When we moved here to Morocco, he hated to leave me and had major separation anxiety. It was hard to even go on a date with Dom and have someone watch him and then we moved here and for the first few months of being here all he was around was me all the time. We would go to friends' homes and he wouldn't leave my side even when all the other kids were playing in a different room. The first couple of weeks at school were heart wrenching watching him go into school with huge tears in his eyes and not really being able to comfort him until he got home. I mean, he was 3, that is when all the kids here start school. It was tough, but we continued and really thank God for his teacher. She was really great with him and worked really hard at helping him to adjust and feel safe. Within a few months he was waving goodbyes to us and even woke up ready to go to school. He got used to it slowly but surely and he has done amazing. He speaks Spanish really good and understands almost everything. There are now even some words that he knows in Spanish that he doesn't totally know in English! He learned all his colors, numbers, shapes, letters, and many songs this year in Spanish. He is also doing really well in Arabic. And speaks all three languages sometimes! It is cute. He is so awesome and his teacher was so impressed and happy with how well he did this year. He had an amazing report card as well that showed major improvement from the first trimester!
So, that was long, but I am really truly so proud of these three boys! They not only finished a year of school, but they did it in a completely different country, different culture, and a different language without ever complaining or wishing they were somewhere else. They are such incredible boys and I love them so much!