So, it has been a very long week. Lots of sorting, going through things, deciding what to keep, to take with us, and to just get rid of. 8 years worth of stuff and 3 little boys to go through takes quite a lot of work. Most of the house is empty. All of our cabinets in the kitchen, the downstairs and kids' bathroom are empty. Our bedroom has turned into the catch all for all the things I would like to take with us. However, looking at the huge pile of "stuff" I am realizing I am going to have to go through it all again and decide what I "need" to take and maybe put aside some of the stuff I "want" to take.
It is a stretching process, but it is so good! God has been so faithful to us. He has blessed us with an incredible support of people around us. Sunday, my dear neighbor, (a.k.a. surrogate grandmother to the boys) Liz, brought us a delicious dinner. On Monday my other neighbors, James and Lauren invited the boys and I over for Pizza, and today, my other neighbor behind us (our occasional babysitter), came and played with the boys and helped me to sort through all of the stuff in our garage that we are getting ready for our garage sale this weekend. Tomorrow, my dear friend Amy will be coming to help and then on Thursday my other great friend Melanie is going to help. Wow!!! Isn't it amazing! I am truly blessed to have such wonderful people in my life. God is so good and I couldn't do it without all the wonderful help. Thank you everyone!
I have 5 bags packed and ready to go so far! 2 more weeks and we will be out of this house. (We have renters moving in on the 16Th of February.) The boys and I will go and stay with my mom for a bit and then go down to my lovely sisters home and spend a week with her family. I am so looking forward to spending time with her and my nephews! Then my love comes to get me! What a journey! I am so ready to be with him and miss him so much!
3 weeks ago
1 comment:
It is so mind boggling how fast time is flying by. Your family will be starting your new life in Morrocco in only a few weeks. It seems like just yesterday you were telling us that you were THINKING about moving there.
Please be assured that our prayers are with your family as you are apart and will continue to be with you as you travel and are starting your new adventure overseas.
We love you guys!!
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