We are moving steadily along. I had a great weekend and despite the very cold weather we managed to have a very good garage sale. I sold most all of our big items, a ton of small items, and everything else got taken away! I had so much help. It was truly wonderful and God continues to show me His faithfulness. On Friday, Kaaren and my neighbor Lauren came and helped all day during the garage sale. That allowed me to go through the house and grab more things that I thought I could get rid of. The boys stayed the night at Grandma's house so I was able to get A LOT done! Then, on Saturday, Lauren came and literally stayed all day. I cannot even begin to tell you the blessing it was to me. I got so much done in the house, the rooms cleared out, packing, organizing, etc. 8 months pregnant, and she took on the cold to help a friend out! Lauren, I am forever grateful for your help!!! Cheri and Kyra also came to help Saturday morning and that was such a blessing as well. Cheri, thank you for the coffee!!! It made my day. Then, another neighbor came and took everything that was left over in the garage. Literally everything. She works with an orphanage in the Ukraine and is always doing fundraising and stuff for them. She also sends a huge container of goods to the orphanage. So, she blessed me so much because it saved me a trip to Goodwill on my own with all of that stuff, and we were able to be a blessing to her by giving her all of the left overs. All I had to do was help load some of it in the car for her. Wow!!! He is so faithful to us!!!
Now, the house is pretty empty and we are staying at my mom's house. It feels much more like home than our empty, echoey house. We are so much closer to leaving. I can hardly believe it. My boys have been incredible troopers through the process. It is so hard on them to see everything changing and wondering where papa is, but they are doing ok. We miss papa so much. Julian runs around th
e house at night saying, "Where's my Papa, I want to see my Papa." It is so sweet, but also puts an ache in all of our hearts! We miss you and love you more than you know papa!!!